The Residency Wellness Committee is a group of residents that get together and plan events to help alleviate stress and support the general well-being and mental health of all the residents. They plan informal social and recreational events that are funded by the department.

These outings include paint ball, large group dinners, and out-door activities such as skiing and team sports. In the past they have organized softball games and ping-pong and bowling tournaments between the other local EM residencies. The committee has also been responsible for renovating the resident lounge and organizing a photo contest to decorate it.
- Team sports and activities. Most notorious for resident vs. faculty dodgeball!
- Yearly Wellness BBQ at Prospect Park!
- Weekly PCHH (Post Clinic Happy Hour) hosted by our wonderful EM/IM residents
- Intern Tuesdays hosted by the intern class for all the residents at various restaurants and bars across Brooklyn
- Complimentary Opera outing hosted by faculty for the new Intern class! Class of 2021 viewed Madame Butterfly with faculty
- Big Sib/Little Sib Program
- Family Mentorship Program
Our Wellness Committee developed some resources, hotline information, and event schedules that are geared to improving healthcare workers’ wellness: KCH/UHB Wellness Information
Wellness Resources and Activities