
Education Fellowship



Fellowship Director: Dr. James Willis, MD
This fellowship is designed to prepare emergency physicians to navigate and become leaders in the world of medical education. Through this 2-Year Fellowship, fellows build their careers in education leadership at the UME, GME, and CME level. With subsidized funding for an advanced degree, and a stipend towards certifications in MERC, the ACEP Teaching Fellowship, and the ALiEM Fellowship Incubator, fellows graduate from the program well equipped for a career as a leader in academic emergency medicine. In addition, the fellow is able to network at the regional level through ALL NYC EM and national level through CORD membership. Faculty Advisors hold advanced degrees in medical education; are well-known regional, national, and international leaders in education and global health; and are Assistant Deans and Clinical Curriculum Instructors at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine.  Each Fellow has a UME, GME, and CME Advisor to expose them to the various tracks of a medical education career.

Information on Education Fellowship