EM/IM Class of 2024-new

Wesley Chan

Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland

Medical School: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Hobbies/Fun Facts: Traveling to new places and eating amazing food, board games, cooking, dabbling in photography, DIY projects. 4th degree black belt in Taekwondo, JHU BME graduate, avid Baltimore Ravens Fan.

Why SUNY/Kings: Diverse and amazing residents and faculty who become family. Training ground with the patients and community makes you become the best EM/IM clinical monster. And why not New York City?

Eliezer Levitansky

Hometown: New Haven, CT

Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem NY

Hobbies: BBQ, Roadtrips, Hanging out with family, baseball, mini-golf, archery

Why SUNY/Kings: The residents and faculty comprise a family of clinicians that support and foster a healthy learning environment allowing us to take the best care of a geatly underserved community.

Jonathan McMahon
  • Hometown: North Babylon, NY
  • Medical school: NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Hobbies/Fun Facts: Traveling, cooking, video games, board games, podcasts, music (especially country), concerts, and exploring my new neighborhood
  • Why SUNY/Kings: The ability to serve an underserved population, while gaining excellent clinical experience with dedicated faculty; the opportunity to explore the many medical niches that interested me; and getting to grow and learn with amazing people!
Elina Shtridler
  • Hometown:  Born in Uzbekistan, but I've lived in Brooklyn since I was 10  years old
  • Medical school: SUNY Downstate
  • Hobbies/Fun Facts: board games, cross-stitching, reading, trying new foods
  • Why SUNY/Kings: EM/IM training with an amazing and incredibly supportive family of co-residents and faculty. Opportunities to learn from many different patients and see pathology and trauma that is not easily found in other places across the country.