
Invasive Procedure Consent Form
Time Out Form

Equipment Requirements
Scalpel (number 11 blade)
Trousseau dilator
Tracheal hook
Tracheostomy tube or modified ET tube
Positioning is crucial
Supine position is ideal
Hyperextend the neck if able (i.e. no c spine issues)
Preoxygenate with bag valve mask
Prepare skin with sterile antiseptic, sterile field and local lidocaine with epi if able
Check integrity of balloon on Shiley
If right hand dominant stand on patients right side
Stabilize larynx with non dominant hand by grasping both sides of lateral thyroid cartilage with thumb and middle finger (throughout the procedure)                 
Palpate depression over cricothyroid membrane with index finger
Hold scalpel in dominant hand and make vertical incision through skin and subq                 
Palpate cricothyroid membrane with index of non-dominant hand
Remainder of procedure is performed via palpation, as many times bleeding obscures view
Make horizontal incision of less than 1 cm through cricothyroid membrane
Place non dominant hand index finger into stoma and exchange scalpel for tracheal hook, do NOT let go of stoma
Using dominant hand place hook into the opening of the cricothyroid membrane and grasp the inferior of the thyroid cartilage with it
Rotate handle cephalad and if an assistant is present ask for upward traction (or by self using non dominant hand)
Do not let go of tracheal hook until rest of procedure is complete as this stabilizes the larynx
Place trousseau dilator in hole with dominant hand with spreading action oriented in longitudinal direction and Dilate vertically
Rotate handle 90 degrees so handle is parallel to neck
Insert tracheal tube with obturator (solid white piece) between blades of dilator until flanges rest on skin
Remove hook carefully (after balloon inflated) Rapid Four Step Technique:
If right hand dominant, stand at the bedside on the patients left side
  1. Palpate cricothyroid membrane like in prior technique
  2. Make single horizontal stab with scalpel approximately 1.5CM in length through skin, subc tissue and cric membrane
  3. Pick up cartilage with tracheal hook and provide caudal traction to stabilize
  4. Pass No. 4 cuffed trache tube or ET tube 6-0 cuffed through opening (can use a bougie with this)
Melker percutaneous cricothyrotomy technique:
                  Kit, like central line

Procedure Note:

Indication: emergency airway


Consent was obtained and a time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, and positioning. The patient’s neck was prepped and draped in sterile fashion. 1% Lidocaine was(?)was not used to anesthetize the surrounding skin area. The cricothyroid membrane was palpated.  The skin over the cricoids membrane was incised with a scalpel. The cricothyroid membrane was subsequently incised and the inferior thyroid cartilage. The cricothyroid membrane was dilated and a tracheal tube with obturator (or Endotracheal tube) was placed in the incision site. The patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications. Blood loss was minimal.

Chest x-ray was(?)was not ordered to assess for pneumothorax and proper placement.