Teaching Mini-Fellowship

The Teaching Mini-Fellowship is led by Dr. Teresa Smith

The purpose of the mini-fellowship program is to allow a focus for the residents earlier in their residency, and a structure for formal mentoring relationships.

Participation in the mini-fellowship program is completely optional and open to all residents.

Residents usually select a track at the beginning of the second year.
This program should give the resident a “niche” in Emergency Medicine and a portfolio of projects, skills, and deliverables that they can offer to their future employers.

Background and Enrollment:

All residents in the Teaching Mini-Fellowship will apply to the director of the program at the beginning of the PGY2 year. The fellowship began at the beginning of the 2009-2010 academic year and enrolls residents every year (if there are interested residents).  The teaching mini-fellowship is open to all residents and there is no limit on the number of fellows per year.

Hannah LoCascio
- ran intern procedure day
- developed online teaching module
Jay Melton
Kevin Ting

TMF Teaching Portfolios:

All residents in the TMF will maintain a teaching portfolio to collect their academic and teaching activities and evaluations.  The portfolio will be kept by the resident and will be presented every 6 months to the Director of the TMF at semi-annual evaluations.
Residents will also be asked to share their portfolio with the other members of the TMF yearly at a large group meeting.
The TMF Teaching Portfolio will contain any material that the resident feels is demonstrative of educational value, was created in part by the resident, and is primarily devoted to medical education.  The portfolio should also have evaluations of any and all teaching activities or lectures given or small group sessions led by the resident.

This will include but is not limited to:
  • Lectures given to residents/students/other learners
  • Small group sessions led
  • Motor skills curricula developed
  • Procedure labs led
  • Courses taken
  • Curricula
  • Sessions moderated
  • Workshops attended
  • Workshops led
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Evaluations by learners and preceptors of all of the above activities

Residents will write a reflective statement based on their portfolio contents prior to every 6 month meeting with the TMF director.  This is a critical aspect of the TMF and should identify advances in the past 6 months and growth areas for future growth. Each reflective statement will be incorporated into the resident’s portfolio.

Learning Objectives and Topics to be covered

  • Adult learning
  • Education theory
  • Environments for learning
  • Giving feedback
  • Creating curricula
  • Educational models
  • Identifying needs of the learner

Successful lecturing & Teaching large groups
  • How to write a lecture
  • Large group lecture techniques
  • Slides and information presentation
  • Colors, fonts, and animation in slides
  • Engaging the audience
  • Eye contact and questioning your learners
  • Controlling your audience
  • Disasters in Powerpoint
  • Advanced Powerpoint tips
  • Handouts and references

Successful teaching in small groups
  • Small group teaching with slides
  • Small group teaching without slides
  • Discussion groups
    Socratic learner driven
    Bedside teaching techniques
  • Motor skills teaching
  • Bedside teaching skills
  • Discussion groups
  • Engaging reluctant learners
  • Teaching procedures
  • Procedure teaching

Basic of mentoring—preventing mini-me
Sustaining relationships with mentors

Planned interventions

PGY2 level
  • Videotaped mini-lecture (non-medical expert topic)
  • Goals for lecture
    Self evaluation
    Learner evaluations
    Written evaluation by mentors
  • Meetings with teaching-mentor
  • Meetings with PGY4 mentor
  • Evaluation of mentor
  • Attend TMF lecture series
  • Evaluation of residents in TMF
  • Mentoring of medical students
  • Attend TMF small group sessions
  • Will lead a small group session (1 each)
  • In TMF
    Topic review
  • Will lecture 1 time during this year (end of year) (medical topic)
  • Reading assignments to be delivered in mailboxes and online
PGY3 level
  • Videotaped medical lecture (medical topic)
  • Self evaluation
    Written evaluation by mentors
    Learner evaluations
  • Will lecture 2-3 times during this year
  • EM conference (1 or 2 lectures)
    TMF sessions    (1 or 2 lectures)
    Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
  • Will lead a small group sessions (1 each)
  • In TMF
    Topic review
    Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
  • Meetings with teaching-mentor
  • Attend TMF lecture series
  • Evaluation of other residents in TMF
  • Mentoring of interns (out of TMF program)
  • Attend TMF small group sessions
  • Reading assignments to be delivered in mailboxes and online
  • Moderate 2 “Journal Clubs” this year
  • Teach 3 “Skills Labs” this year
  • Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
PGY4/5 level
  • Videotaped medical lectures (medical topic)
    Self evaluation
    Written evaluation by mentors
    Learner evaluations
  • Will lecture 2-3 times during this year
    EM conference (1 or 2 lectures)
    TMF sessions    (1 or 2 lectures)
    Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
  • Will lead a small group sessions (1 each)
    In TMF
    Topic review
    Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
  • Meetings with teaching-mentor
  • Attend TMF lecture series
  • Evaluation of other residents in TMF
  • Mentoring of PGY2 (inside TMF program)
    Evaluation of TMF activities of mentee
  • Attend/lead TMF small group sessions
    Plan curricula of meetings
  • Reading assignments to be delivered in mailboxes and online
  • Teach 3 “Skills Labs” this year
    Evaluations by mentors
    Evaluations by learners
  • Project with mentor
    To be determined by mentor
  • Teaching elective
    Everybody does 1 lecture – these “teaching concentration” residents have 1-2 more per year.

Attend Special Lecture by TMF teaching faculty

Large Group –
  1. 2-3 lectures/year as senior
  2. Formal teaching mentor
  3. Special evaluations by all attendees of lecture
  4. Evaluation of other “teaching residents”
Small Group –
  1. Precept interns
  2. Small group teaching
  3. Skills labs
  4. Increase incidence of Journal Cub (moderator of Journal Club)
  5. Mentor med students
  6. Self evaluations

Bedside Teaching/Procedures
  • Run fast track as seniors and teach interns/students
  • Do speeding tickets
  • Evaluations from these junior lectures
  • Observed teaching by me/teaching pre
  • Seniors have a junior assigned to them during a shift
  • Skills labs(evaluated on them)
  • Self study – literature
  • Teaching fellowship as PGY – 4
All this into a teaching portfolio